
让对方说慢些: I am not good at English, Could you speak slowly?
让对方再说一遍:用疑问语气说 Sorry? 就可以。

Could you tell me where is the rest room? (或者说 men’s room ,lady’s room,用wc, toilet 对方会表示疑惑)

问路:Excuse me, Could you please tell me the way to the railway station?
拿着地图问自己在那里:Excuse me, Where am I on the map?
问最近的XX在那里:Excuse me, where is the nearest XXX?

可能回答(有很多种,抓关键词就好)  —- 提示一下,如果你没听懂,最好再确认下,真觉得对方口音搞不定,也稍微等人家走远再换人问,要不那人会觉得你耍他….
Turn right after you pass McDonalds.
When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street.
Go down the street, turn left on Williams street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station.
It’s pretty far from here, Go on Williams Street for about 2 miles, you’ll see it next to a school.

2016-5-31 16:57