
康考迪亚大学位于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市,学校历史可追溯到1873年,历史悠久。该大学有两个校区,相距约七公里远:一个是现代化风格的“乔治威廉姆斯”校区,位于市中心繁华地段;另一个是古典风格的“圣徒”校区,位于城市西端宁静优美的居住区。在这两个校区之间,每天都有免费的校车服务,单程大约二十分钟。每个校区都有各自的图书馆,除了法定假日以外,都是全天24小时开放。康考迪亚大学的名字来源于当年蒙特利尔奠基石上的一句话,“CONCORDIA SALUS”,意思是“和谐引致繁荣”。

Concordia University locates in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with a long history dating back to 1873. The university has two campuses at a distance of 7 kilometers: one is the modern Sir.G William Campus, which locates in the busy downtown; and the classic Loyola Campus locating in the quiet western residential district. In between these two campuses, there are free shuttle bus services every day. It takes about 20 minutes for one single trip. Both of the campuses have their own libraries, which keep open 24 hours per day except for the official holidays. The name Concordia comes from a sentence on the cornerstone of Montreal “CONCORDIA SALUS”, meaning “Harmony Leadsto Prosperity”.



There are four schools/faculties in Concordia University: John Molson School of Business (JMSB), Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. The Journalism, Business, Creative Writing and Computer Science are all the outstanding courses of the university. The majors for Fine Arts include Contemporary Dance, Music,Theatre and Studio Arts etc. Concordia University, which set up the major Women’s Studies as early as 1978, is one of the first universities that provided this major.



JMSB is generally believed to be the world’s top Business School and it is the first one that obtains the certificate of the Associationto Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Numerous famous business elites and financial leaders have had their education here. In the art aspect, the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema is the largest college film study center in Canada. According to the latest data, for 3 years, most of the presidents that are being employed by the world’s top 500 Enterprises graduated from JMSB. This business school is acknowledged for its strict requirement for students. Thus its graduates have outstanding reputation in the financial community,



The main majors for undergraduates:


John Molson School of Business: Accountancy, Human Resource Management, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Operations Management, Business Technology Management, etc.


Faculty of Arts and Science: Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Classics, Communication Studies, Economics, Education, English and Creative Writing, Exercise Science, French Studies, German, History, Journalism, Leisure Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Linguistics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Theological Studies, etc.


Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering, etc.


Faculty of Fine Arts: Design, Film Animation, Film Production, Film Studies, Music, Painting and Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Studio Art, Theatre, etc.